Done! Another circumnavigation round the sun by planet Earth. Nice to travel with you on this globe-spaceship, with everything that belongs to travelling: discovery and enjoyment tours, dealing with mishaps and dicey situations, making acquaintances and finding companions, outgrowing yourself, as well as simply letting your soul (or - for those who like it less ethereal - simply your balls) swing. More is welcome! And more is already coming, because we will fill 2023 with a Best Of of our workshops, as well as world premieres... Here comes the preview of the next months - scroll down if you don't want to be in Zurich, but in Berlin, Karlsruhe, Andalusia... First of all, a drum roll and applause for the podcast of our jolly travelling companion UTA ROTHERMEL, which has just seen the light of day: SEXPUNK! In episode 6, BEATA and Uta talked about the delightful absurdities of the sexual... Here we go:
——————— IN ZURICH
"Mourning is the honour we pay to what we hold dear. And only by connecting with what is dear to us can we know how to move on." We start the luhmen d'arc year this Friday, 6 JANUARY at serrat(u)s bodywork with a space for songs, stories, tears, comfort - with JANNA SCHNEEWITTA REHBEIN in the TEMPLE OF SORROW. For those who are interested in the topic beyond that, we would like to recommend the workshop RAW HUMANS by CERI BUCKMASTER, taking place in Basel from 24 - 26 FEBRUARY. and co-organised by our friend Sharka Rey, who is coming to Zurich in February for a collaboration. On 13 JANUARY. we continue with CRITICAL FRIDAYS, with a film screening followed by a discussion. We will transform serrat(u)s bodywork into a cosy cinema, start with a not-so-un-serious ceremony to get in the mood and then enjoy AYOTO ATARAXIA's "My Film with Andrei, Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Document a Sex Party". Afterwards we look forward to the Q&A with the filmmaker and the joint discussion about SEXUAL LIBERATION AND OTHER COMPULSIONS and much more. You can find the trailer above via the link. The weekend of 20-22 JANUARY is dedicated to rope arts: Friday you will learn SHIBARI BASICS with the INTRO DAY at serrat(u)s bodywork, Saturday and Sunday you will expand your knowledge of FLOORWORK and if you are not at the workshop on Sunday and are not a cis man, come to Sihl13 for the FINTA BONDAGE JAM. Perfect.
There are of course many more jams - actually already the day after tomorrow :) - and a whole lot more Shibari workshops throughout the year - almost every month. Just have a look at > our bondage overview. If you just want to see the jams - whether mixed gender, queer or finta - have a look > HERE.
And a short excursion into the future:
We will of course continue our format of SHIBARI MASTERCLASSES, with which we want to connect the advanced community in Zurich with internationally outstanding contemporary Shibari artists. This year's opener from 18-19 MARCH will be FELIX RUCKERT from Berlin together with YAEL STORMBORN from Los Angeles with CREATIVE SUSPENSION & THE POWER OF SPACE. He masters the tying f strictly traditional forms to free, creative composing, from offering pragmatic solutions to exploring artistic questions.
Then for 7 - 9 JULY we look forward to the third visit of TAMANDUA & BRIKI. On 27 and 28 JANUARY, KATHARINA SCHMIDT’s final project to complete the Master's programme Expanded Theatre at Bern University of the Arts will take place in the Zwinglikapelle in the Zurich Kulturhaus Helferei. MATÍS was involved as mentor, wen Katharina developed SAFER PLEASURE - A PERFORMANCE ACCORDING TO YOUR WISHES, an interactive performance about the feeling of safety and how it helps us to experience pleasure and negotiate our needs. You can participate or just watch. Find more information about the event > HERE and reserve your spot > THERE From 3 FEBRUARY we will start something new and invite you to THE PARLOUR - AN OPEN MASSAGE EXCHANGE SPACE FOR PROS & PRACTITIONERS every 4 weeks. The format is inspired by free bodywork & play spaces like the > Bondage Jams and is dedicated to the diversity of massage forms and the joy of practising and experiencing them. THE PARLOUR is not intended for beginners and there is no tuition. Rather, we would like to welcome more experienced and professional bodyworkers to create a place where they can get to know each other and exchange ideas, give and receive, touch and be touched, experience and experiment, away from the contexts of work, training, workshops, health and healing. A space for free, practised exchange in the form of sessions, where all forms of massage and massage experiments are welcome. Come and spoil yourselves!
Quite appropriately, the workshop HAPTOLOGY - EXPLORATIONS OF TOUCH, INTENTION & INNER ATTITUDE with FILIPPA FRICK will take place shortly afterwards, on 5 FEBRUARY. This workshop, however, is also suitable for beginners and a good introduction to almost everything else that is available at luhmen d'arc. Mid FEBRUARY, from 17-19., it gets hot, articulate and impactful: Friday we invite you to the WAX PLAY CEREMONY, Saturday at ORAL MAPPING & DIRTY TALK with SHARKA REY and MATÍS we massage the intimate region of the oral cavity - from which then the most outrageous stories and sounds tumble in a relaxed manner, which can be seduced and played with at the PlayParty in the evening - and on Sunday there's some pleasurable spanking available at ON FLOGGING & OTHER IMPACT PLAY. Have you ever had the wish that you would marry your Magic Wand if you could? Do you also notice that through touch screens, technical devices receive actual caresses? Would you be curious about robot love? Professor SOPHIE WENNERSCHEID has written a fascinating and refreshingly non-technophobic book about what it means to desire a machine. At the CRITICAL FRIDAY SEX MACHINA - ZUR ZUKUNFT DES BEGEHRENS on 24 FEBRUARY. we would like to join her and you in a highly current discussion! The last version of (AN)OTHER INTIMACY - SPACE FOR CONSCIOUS & PLAYFUL ENCOUNTERS was such a steamy treat, it has to be done again! - over Easter, from 7-10 APRIL in a much longer version. But attention: Because there is only a registration fee of 77 CHF and the rest is paid on site on a self-assessment and donation basis, the seminar was sold out in a flash last time and the waiting list was long. Even if April still seems a long way off, we are hereby letting you know as early as possible...
And more details about the content are not yet known, but because it doesn't hurt to reserve the dates in the calendar for these guests, we would like to tell you and warmly recommend to you:
"I thought a lot about the power of positioning when, inspired by the paintings, we consciously took a body pose and sensed what it does to us. In the orgy it was again so palpable how different poses bring me into a completely different experience... and how sometimes nuances make a huge difference and people standing/lying next to each other suddenly become a whole picture... For me that was the gateway to experiencing the quite complex orgy structure and my role in it... and the aesthetics anyway. It was a feast for me!!!"
Already almost our signature workshop, (AN)OTHER ORGY will be performed again at IKSK Berlin from 03-05 MARCH. Although, actually it should be called 'ANOTHER (AN)OTHER ORGY', because the workshop shines in a new light through extended fine-tuning.
From 17-22 APRIL, MATÍS will be in the capital as presenter for the 22nd edition of the EUROPEAN RIGGER & MODEL EXCHANGE.
And from 15-21 MAY, BEATA & MATÍS will be facilitators at the MEGA KONK. What is it all about? - “Konk is a sexpositive open space that juggles with the concepts of Kink and Consciousness. We try to create a necessary parallel world, where all forms of sexual expression and play are welcome, as long as they contribute to a collective embodiment of grace." - If you also want to go, then hurry, because many places are already taken...
By the way! Similar to our Zurich format BODYWORK FOR BODYWORKERS is taking place in Berlin by our team member REBECCA. Recommendation! ——————— IN KARLSRUHE
Finally back again, in one of the most beautiful seminar rooms in Germany, the Taoversity in Karlsruhe! From 27-30 APRIL you will learn to massage in a dance-like way at TANTRA IN MOTION with CLAUDIA, MICHAEL and MATÍS - definitely also a dream team and an extremely enjoyable workshop. The three of them are very happy that it is working out to work together again! ——————— IN ANDALUSIA
Because we want the creative and delightful attention to detail, where even toes and eyelashes are appreciated for their very existence - without being forced into predictable intimacy by having to stare into each other's eyes while the same spiritual music flutes in the background.... 15-23 JULY - TANTRA - WITH A PINCH OF SALT ——————— We wave to you with crackling sparklers!
Beata & Matís and Co. — — — BE ALWAYS UP TO DATE, FOLLOW US ON — — —