"An earthy, dense and archaic feminine space" - some thoughts on THE HOUSE OF NEUROTIC WOMXN…

In the picture: Anita Berber

…by one of the participants, caught on audio.

Winter time traditionally always was the time to look at the shadows. Time for daemons, ghosts, the un/dead. Winter within. It's a good time for retreats and rituals. We wanted to create a ritualistic space for transitioning between the years, too. To end it with something profound. A space to encounter the impact of that which is yet unthought but also always known.

And we did.

But we had do do one that deals with layers of frustration that lie beneath our pedagogic poetics of facilitating workshops. Frustration with superficial talk about female and male energies in workshops. When femaleness is defined with motherly, sensual, goddess qualities and male with archaic warrior stuff.

We wanted to explore the way more interesting bizarre sisters and brothers of those qualities:

That being female in our society means having to go nuts - so we built the HOUSE OF NEUROTIC WOMXN where we payed tribute to how much subversion also lies in that.

And that being male comes with a fear: of being the CREEPY OLD MXN. So we created a space to explore the complexities of uncanny feelings of creepiness.

Little approaches to the fuller spectrum of what femaleness and maleness means in this cruel world.

The workshops are not gender specific. There is a creep and a hysteric in each and every one of us. They are something like archetypes (ooh, 'dark-etypes!' 😈 )

It all can sound scary, but when approached tenderly, friendly, lovingly, with slow somatic practices from dance and performance art, with creativity and a lot of fun play, the scary becomes bearable. Even if only for a few moments. And to give you an insight what this can mean specifically here are some impressions from one of our participants:

"An earthy, dense and archaic feminine space" - some thoughts on THE HOUSE OF NEUROTIC WOMXN
by one of the participants, caught on audio by Beata

Ohlala, der wunderbare Podcast "Mit Zunge" hat eine Folge zu unserem Orgienworkshop am IKSK…


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